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Customer Support

Providing seamless communication and excellent service


Please fill in the fields in the following form for quicker and better customer service.
Incorrectly filled in request forms may result in the rejection of customer service requests.

* Indicated fields are required fields.

* Accessories such as wire adapters, wires, and cables are not covered by customer service.

* Please attach the purchase receipt for confirmation of the warranty period.

Customer Information
Name *
School Name / Company Name / Group Name *
Contact Number *
E-mail *
Address *
Product Details
Product Name *
Product No. *
The 14-digit barcode number on the product box
Purchase Date *
OS *
MODI Studio Ver.
ex : MODI Studio, CODE Sketch, PyMODI, etc.
Enter product version
Defects *
Customer Opinion
Comments and Opinions *
Security text *
* Enter the code on the left to prevent auto-registration. [Refresh]

I have read the Customer Service regulations Customer Service Regulation Guide

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