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MODI, the easiest way to learn coding

Smart AI Kit

Smart AI Kit
#Advanced AI #AI education

Your Own Smart AI
Study Buddy

A Smart AI kit to study coding and AI together.
Learn about various types of AI used in daily life through problem identification, data collection and use, and problem solving, rather than theory-based learning.



MODI Software

MODI Software
MODI Studio
MODI Studio is graphic-based drag and drop block coding software that uses MODI hardware. MODI modules can be coded using Entry, Scratch, Python, and MODI Studio.
WindowsMac Os
This is an application to control creations like a joystick by connecting your smartphone to MODI.
Google PlayApp store
Code Sketch
Code Sketch is an application that provides a block coding program as well as a video guide to let you create your own coding projects. The Code Sketch application includes our MODI Play function, which lets you control and move your creations!
*Code Sketch is only compatible with tablets.
Google PlayApp store